
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Small food trip

Last week had a pay day so the following weekend involved a trip to the big grocery store. Despite having done this for about 5 or so years, we still haven't really gotten the whole grocery thing down. I try to make sure we're not loading up too much on snacks and junk food, while still allowing us to have some because there are always going to be those moments where we want to eat, but we don't want a meal.

Behold! Food! Also a lack of clean dishes.

What I do realize is that we don't eat enough fruits and vegetables. I told myself that if there was ever an opportunity to get produce quickly, I would do it. Of course, now we live somewhere where there's a little store literally right behind our house which has fruits and from which I've bought none. I am utterly failing at just walking out the door, grabbing some apples, paying, and walking back home. 
Wait, where did the food go...?
I am slowly getting used to this place though. I ran errands by myself once, taking the bus and walking. But doing things by yourself just isn't any fun and I'm always inclined to just wait until the weekend when we can both go (because it's way hot and the bus stops running at 6). I think part of me is just still getting used to the place and getting back into the groove of not eating out a lot. This place is also evil in that practically every restaurant delivers. 

They didn't deliver this though, oh no. 
I'm sure eventually I'll get used to going there and it won't be a big deal in mind, it will just be a matter of buying fresh fruits to have in stock. Hopefully.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Well this is awkward...

Friday night we hung out with friends and people we didn't know. Even though I'm very much an introvert in addition to being shy (hey, they're different!), I'm usually very open to the idea of social gatherings at homes (opposed to office things or bigger public things with too many people I don't know). Also I like food and the opportunity to try drinks. 

I spilled my drink before the sun even set...

I'm always intrigued at the company of home parties because while I've grown comfortable in the company of one person, once someone else comes into the picture (that's not a spouse or child), I'm thrown back into my awkwardness of trying to figure out where I can fit in. Really there are only two kinds of additional person, both of which result in me being a kind of third wheel: they are either as talkative as the friend we both know or are as shy as me. Usually the mutual friend is someone who tries to make sure no one is overlooked so it's not as grim as it sounds. And in any case, I'm not someone who feels the need to fill any silence or be center of attention so I'm content in hearing what they talk about or just staring at the wall (I do this at home, it's no big deal).

She pities me. 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Always Bring Water

Yesterday was one of many market days so a friend and I headed there to stock up on fresh (fo realz fresh) fruits and vegetables. It's really inexpensive and the goods tastes a lot better. A win-win situation for all. I also got to see a cute white cat thoroughly investigating a pile of watermelons. Extra win! I didn't take a picture though because I'm a chump. 

After our market trip, we dropped off our groceries and headed to a restaurant for lunch. Here, it's always a good idea to bring a bottle of water with you while you're out. Despite me saying this, I haven't really learned this lesson myself. So for my chosen drink at the restaurant, as much as I wanted to try the şalgam, I opted for the giant bottle of water instead. Also the water was cheaper. 

Water intimidation. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I wonder what it feels like outside

My husband and I arrived in Turkey a bit over a month ago. It was pretty exciting. For the most part, we've adjusted just fine. Both had stints of those Turkey Trots and got nice and familiar with the toilet in the bathroom. 
Toilet paper was a treasure. 

We try to do things, but so often are content just relaxing at home. While he actually has a job to go to, I'm at home. I'm a bit lucky in regards to having plenty of things to fill my time with. Pretty soon, I'll be back in the school grind and I look forward to it. 

Easy class?!

For now, I spend my days studying languages, reading books and magazines, slowly working on my resume, social networking online, and (mostly) keeping the house tidy. 
And also waiting for our things to arrive. 
