
Friday, August 30, 2013

DiY body care

Once I got my computer back I also got back into craftgawker and stylegawker and all those gawks. And also into health and body care. I had been scouring magazines for the best face/body/hair/etc... care because... really I think I was bored. But that aside, I found some pretty easy DiY self that I was happy to try out. Most of the ideas are from here: Paula Parrish blog
Grocery list and also instructions.
I'm glad that I've been saving jars for no real reason. Here's the "cellulite scrub" though I feel like I use it less for actual cellulite and more for the smell. Haha. 

Once there were olives. Now only coffee.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Trying out DnD!

We finally got some version of DnD recently. We wanted to get it before moving to Turkey, but I forget what happened and we just didn't. So we saw some version of it at the store here and decided to get it because it seemed like a good one to start with.

My warriors!
I actually liked it minus the fact that I had to be strategic and fight against someone else. I guess I just don't like confrontation. My husband reassures me though that not all DnD is like this and if we buy another set like the one we have now, we can play it a different way. 
We'll see.
