
Monday, September 30, 2013

Mall fun

I definitely need to get around to making that blog about the mall, haha!
We went on a quick trip there recently and I'm a sucker for journals that I bought this neat one that has snippets of maps on it!
No idea what I'm going to use it for though, as always seems to happen.
I also bought some oil pastels! I think this is really my first time using them and they're pretty cool. I like how you can lay down layers with them and they can be very vibrant. All I've decently so far is a pear and a tree, but I'm excited to try more. I wish it came with more colors though that could be more easily blended.

Excuse the orientation.
I also bought this neat food magazine!

Check out that fig!
I need to go through it again, but I'm a little sad because I don't see figs at the market anymore so I can't make any neat things with them now.
But I plan to go through it and check out some of the recipes and learn some new Turkish!

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