
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Time Passes

Whoa! I didn't know how long ago I had last posted. Is that the right way to say that...?

I suppose I could say that things haven't changed much, but really they have. Paying jobs have been attained, extra schooling has been given, etc...

I'm still struggling to find enough time for the things I want to do without burning myself out on repetition. C'est la vie~

Moving on the from the shortest update ever.... Autumn is coming! Wait.. let me check.. holy crap! It's almost upon us! Which, doesn't mean too much since the weather stays pretty warm here for a while anyway. Although, it has been cooling off and the tree in the backyard is losing leaves. The Starbucks here actually has Pumpkin Spice Lattes and I've partaken in two so far. Ah, the simple things huh? My pumpkin craze hasn't gone into full swing yet. Hopefully it will stay that way until a more appropriate time comes. Like October. Yep. Then it will be unleashed! Maybe I'll actually do something with it this time...

Today was a decently productive day. I worked more on an art project I started at least 2 months ago.

Dyeing coffee filters, what fun! Hopefully it goes well. I want them to be darker, but maybe it will be fine. We'll see, we'll see.

I also decided to do another "photoshoot" since I was suddenly struck with wanting to do one. Photoshoots for me are part frustration, fun, and satisfaction (if I actually achieve what I'm looking for) because I don't really know what I'm doing and I'm also doing it alone. I have to joke around with myself and pull goofy faces and poses otherwise there's no fun!

But then sometimes I'm able to get what I was looking for (or close to it) and I'm content with it until the next time.

Just have to keep on trying right?!

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